Monday, July 25, 2011

Thanks for Joining Me!

Hi guys - thanks for joining me in my quest to get my butt in gear and write 40K words in the month of August! For those of you who joined me for May 50K, it will be like that, but summertime, and less words since I have a bunch of stuff going on this month, LOL.

Use #Aug40K as a hashtag whenever you Tweet about it so we can all be sure to follow along with your progress!


  1. Oooh, sounds great! Think I'm going to try it! Thanks, Shoshanna. :)

  2. Damn. You just had to go and make a blog and everything so now I can't say no. I have company for 3 weeks out of August and the kids home from school, but I could really use the word count. So I'm in!

  3. Thanks Shoshanna for doing this again. I have 2 stories on a deadline and 4 subcalls that need to be done by August end. I know this will help!

  4. Oh hells yes. May was a defining month for me. I'm in.

  5. Woot! Writing big word counts with a self-imposed deadline is always so much more fun with writing buddies :)

    We'll have to write 1300 words a day to write 40K in August. Totally doable!

  6. I'm in. 1.3K a day's no problem--it's the shoving aside of all life's little distractions that sometimes suck up writing time entirely for several days at the time and get me off-track. Here's to me finishing SACRED GROUND!

  7. Sounds like fun, I am in! Twitter name: LaceyWolfe

  8. This sounds fantastic. I have a short story deadline and a novel to finish hashing out and another one to begin!

  9. Oops forgot my twitter handle: @angelakulig

  10. Great! I'm excited to get some writing done again :)

  11. Oh, I think this sounds like a good kick in the pants, which I desperately need!

  12. This sounds like just what I need, so I'm in!

  13. I need to be held more accountable so i'm in too!
    C.R. Moss
    twitter: @CRMoss

  14. I desperately need to get at least 40K done in August for a(self imposed) deadline. Being accountable to someone besides myself would get me in the chair. Thanks for the perfect challenge.

  15. Great timing for me, as I have a book due at the end of the month, and roughly 40K to go! Thanks, Shoshanna.
